Would you like to be a Member?
Join Us!
You’d like to become a member? Please print the following form, fill it out, write a check for $25 (annual dues) made out to Royal GTOs & Pontiacs, and mail the form and check to:
Royal GTOs & Pontiacs
7028 Mink Hollow Rd
Highland, MD 20777
If you join us in September or a later month of the year, your membership will continue until the end of the next year! (Pay in September 2022 and your membership is good through 2023!)
To print an image from below, (1) right-click image, (2) drag to “save image as …,” (3) click “save,” then (4) open saved file and print.
New-Member Form:
You’d like to renew your membership? Please print the following form, fill it out, write a check for $25 (annual dues) made out to Royal GTOs & Pontiacs, and mail the form and check to:
Royal GTOs & Pontiacs
7028 Mink Hollow Rd
Highland, MD 20777
Remember: annual dues is collected at the end of the calendar year. We need to have memberships renewed by January 31st so we can report our roster to the national organization.
To print an image from below, (1) right-click image, (2) drag to “save image as …,” (3) click “save,” then (4) open saved file and print.